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Asset Management

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Research & Development

Our research and development (R&D) team at EDM has become widely recognized within the electric utility industry for its problem solving capabilities especially those related to the design, operation, and maintenance of T&D infrastructure. Our capabilities encompass activities ranging from conceptualization of a solution through development and evaluation to commercialization.

In addition to the expertise of our engineers, scientists and technicians we pride ourselves on the ability to offer our clients seamless, cost-effective access to world-class experts on specialized technologies through our long established collaborative relationships with leading research institutes, universities and consultants.

Typical R&D engagements focus on technologies, products and services for analyzing, monitoring and/or optimizing the life, reliability, condition and capacity of T&D facilities and other existing infrastructure.

  • Product development
  • Analysis methods
  • Sensor and communication technologies
  • Product testing, evaluation & qualification
  • Technical guides, specifications & publications

BSI Installation ND
ColdBayTower Web
Product Material Testing EDM International 7